Building trust S & T
We are a specialized material analysis equipment
company established in 2011 based on over 20 years of engineer experience and service,
and are the sole domestic distributor for SMS (SurfaceMeasurementSystem), Ritter, Wazau, and Labo.
This is a instrument that measures the moisture absorption amount according to the vapor pressure change of various types of samples such as powder, bulk, and pellets using an ultra-precision balance (UltraBalance).
The radiation heat test equipment is a device to evaluate
the heat resistance of organic fibers and related products
that are directly or indirectly exposed to special
(high temperature * flame) environments.
Gas meters made of various excellent thermoplastic resins and high-grade stainless steel, used worldwide in research and development experiments and industrial fields, in addition to gas sensor and biogas batch release systems.
Sustainable Solutions for the Future: Support for Moisture, Organics and Carbon Dioxide Adsorption Technologies
We support moisture, organics and carbon dioxide adsorption technologies in the following ways:
After-sales service and maintenance
S&T focuses a lot on after-sales service. After-sales service refers to support and maintenance after a product or service is provided.
S&T strengthens after-sales service in the following ways:
Customer Service
S & T is always doing its best to support our customers.
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